Find complete Details of Amha Wehibe Geberekidan Addis ababa. You can contact the branch directly at 0118229191-0929247528, or can visit the branch which is located at P.O.Box: 57103.
Branch Name: | Amha Wehibe Geberekidan Addis ababa |
Contact Numbers: | 0118229191-0929247528 |
Branch Address: | P.O.Box: 57103 |
Official Website: | |
Branch City: | Addis Ababa |
Services: | Books And Magazines |
Section: | Companies in Addis Ababa |
Category: | Local Directory |
Fax Numbers: | 0116166969 |
Contact Person Name: | |
Contact Number: 0911259110
Contact Number: 0911039981
Address: P.O.Box: 4654
Contact Number: 0118229788-0911211910/0980158150
Contact Number: 0114199542/41 - 0911201693
Address: P.O.Box: 4663
Contact Number: 0113721060/61/62/63 - 0911200282
Address: P.O.Box: 1212
Contact Number: 0115539040/5540057/41/0115500093
Address: P.O.Box: 2045/1110
Contact Number: 0911244895
Contact Number: 0911878011/0911363272
Contact Number: 0911258298
Address: P.O.Box: 5598
Contact Number: 0116292129/0116294158
Logo | Branch Name | Contact Number |
Z Boutique Addis Ababa | 011 416 6745 | |
Omer Shoe Shop Addis Ababa | 011 275 1215 | |
Corebta Hotel Addis Ababa | 9.0391881, 38.7550808 | |
Mola Berhe And Sons Shoe Shop Addis Ababa | +251112754289 | |
Food Lovers Addis Ababa | 9.0315527, 38.764782 | |
Engineer Samuel Chartered Valuation Surveyor And Engineering Addis Ababa | +251113210211 | |
Babi Speciality Dental Clinic Addis Ababa | 092 194 8494 | |
Sur Construction S.C Addis ababa | 0114668650/59/4165064 -0911647131 | |
Eteco Addis Ababa | (251) 011 550 50 00 | |
Cris and Phone Store Addis Ababa |