Find complete Details of Zion Enterior Design Plc Addis Ababa. You can contact the branch directly at 0944107273/0911843928/0983888376 , or can visit the branch which is located at .
Branch Name: | Zion Enterior Design Plc Addis Ababa |
Contact Numbers: | 0944107273/0911843928/0983888376 |
Branch City: | Addis Ababa |
Services: | Building Completion |
Section: | Companies in Addis Ababa |
Category: | Local Directory |
Contact Person Name: | |
Address: P.O.Box: 41443
Contact Number: 0114161017 -0911111815/0911230843
Contact Number: 0115508902/0112130158-0930011400
Contact Number: 0911216130/0911589551
Address: P.O.Box: 101806
Contact Number: 0114169327/28- 0911202115
Address: P.O.Box: 21152/1000
Contact Number: 0911766575
Address: P.O.Box: 1658
Contact Number: 0221118231 - 0911227046
Contact Number: 0118637042 - 0911825048/0911561696
Contact Number: 0115226023-0911217984
Address: P.O.Box: 25892/1000
Contact Number: 0115535530/26 : 0924438512/0912613161
Contact Number: 0913643176/0979060780
Logo | Branch Name | Contact Number |
Solomon Getachew Abesha Addis ababa | 0116454660-0911516733 | |
United Construction Plc Addis Ababa | 0116676571 - 0911206675 | |
Om International Plc Addis Ababa | 1562800 - 1200157 | |
Barguba Trading Plc Addis Ababa | +251114450029 | |
Rak Bakery Addis Ababa | 8.9617344, 38.7158981 | |
Ethiopian Veterinary Association Addis Ababa | 011 552 5020 | |
Hildus Fashion Addis Ababa | +251911972042 | |
Likie Plastic Products Production Plc Addis Ababa | +251112781721 | |
Az Plc Addis Ababa | 011 552 3939 | |
Betsegah Obstateric & Gynecolooical Special Hospital Addis Ababa | 011 554 5559 |