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Gojeb Construction. Engineering Plc Addis Ababa

Gojeb Construction. Engineering Plc Addis Ababa Contact Details

Find complete Details of Gojeb Construction. Engineering Plc Addis Ababa. You can contact the branch directly at 011 550 9104, or can visit the branch which is located at Addis Ababa.

Branch Name:Gojeb Construction. Engineering Plc Addis Ababa
Contact Numbers:011 550 9104
Branch Address:Addis Ababa
Branch City:Addis Ababa
Services:Construction Materials Services
Section:Construction Materials Services in Ethiopia
Category:Local Directory

Know more about Construction Materials Services in Ethiopia

We at ethiopiabranches.com have all Construction Materials Services in Ethiopia branches of Addis Ababa listed for you, you can find any branch address or contact details with us.

More Branches of Construction Materials Services in Ethiopia

Equator Engineeering Construct Plc Addis Ababa

Address: Kebele 13, 424, P.O.Box 3685 Addis Ababa

Contact Number: 4407277 - 4407276 -1201780

Belay Wakjira General Contractor Addis Ababa

Address: Addis Ababa

Contact Number: 011 663 2507

Farom Construction Materials Production, Distribution And Machinery Rental Addis Ababa

Address: 24359 Code 1000 Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Contact Number: 011 629 5907

Musse Construction Mac Rental Plc Addis Ababa

Address: Addis Ababa

Contact Number: 011 662 1677

Niguse Tsegay General Contractor Mekelle

Address: Mekelle

Contact Number: 034 441 2520

Oromia Water Work Construction Enterprise Adama

Address: Adama

Contact Number: 022 111 5817

Al Amin General Trading Plc Addis Ababa

Address: Kebele 3, NEW, P.O.Box 120543 Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Contact Number: 4663268 - 1206241

Rama Construction Plc Addis Ababa

Address: Kebele 5 236 B P.O.Box 14622 Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Contact Number: +251 11 646 3290

Merkato Mesob Tera Traders Sc Addis Ababa

Address: Kebele 3, 80 Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Contact Number: 2767687

Mela Engineering & Construction Plc Addis Ababa

Address: Kebele 6, 1860, P.O.Box 7021 Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Contact Number: 3716438 - 3713453 - 1206374

More Branches in Addis Ababa

Logo Branch Name Contact Number
Goro Adebabay Branch Addis Ababa 8397 (Toll-free Number)
Yeha Guest House Addis Ababa +251 91 167 1488
Sur Construction S.C. Addis Ababa 0114668650/59/4165064 - 0911647131
Feteya Keder Suleyman Addis ababa0911308785
Yoly Bar & Restaurant Addis Ababa +251 11 663 2828
Ybm Meliti Trade Plc Addis Ababa5545964 5545965 5545917-1207426
Foto Mifta Addis Ababa011 654 0646
Getahun H Mariam Jewelry Addis Ababa011 156 2363
New Arif Mobile Addis Ababa 8.9883576, 38.7915793
Greek Embassy Residence Addis Ababa 8.995741, 38.7320209