Find complete Details of Birhanu Tesfakiros Mekelle. You can contact the branch directly at 034 440 4395, or can visit the branch which is located at Mekelle.
Branch Name: | Birhanu Tesfakiros Mekelle |
Contact Numbers: | 034 440 4395 |
Branch Address: | Mekelle |
Branch City: | Mekelle |
Services: | Food Retailers Services |
Section: | Food Retailers in Ethiopia |
Category: | Local Directory |
Address: Adama
Contact Number: +251 22 112 8729
Address: Kebele 21, 1047, P.O.Box 27000/1000 Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Contact Number: 251116260667-+251911231508
Address: Addis Ababa
Contact Number: (251) 011 662 09 25
Address: Kebele 5, 1315, P.O.Box 19841, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Contact Number: 5521600-1209888
Address: Kebele 12, 15000, P.O.Box 5699 Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Contact Number: +251114421829 +251114425398 +251114428000-+251911207111
Address: Kebele 1, 2197/B, P.O.Box 18808, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Contact Number: 5513121 5513654 5513334-1203177
Address: Mekelle
Contact Number: 034 440 2513
Address: Dessie
Contact Number: 033 111 5359
Address: Kebele 12, 67, P.O.Box 183173, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Contact Number: 1111931-1622992
Address: Addis Ababa
Contact Number: (251) 011 442 18 00
Logo | Branch Name | Contact Number |
Peam Computer Mekelle | (251) 034 441 02 22 | |
Merb Alcolol Liquear And Soft Drinks Distrubter Mekelle | 034 441 3495 | |
Jemes Bond Shoe Shop Mekelle | 034 440 0784 | |
Ambassador Veterinary Mekelle | 034 441 7440 | |
Akelelu Kiros Goods Distributor Mekelle | 034 440 5923 | |
Meret Nselam House Cooperative Mekelle | 034 440 2066 | |
Data Computer Service Mekelle | 034 441 4884 | |
Mekelle City Road Transport Mekelle | 034 440 2825 | |
Hadinet POS Mekelle | +251951 | |
Fraole Auto Genral Mekelle | 034 441 6482 |