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Home Local Directory Welding and Fabrication Services in Ethiopia

Brand Logo Branch Name Phone Number
New Wave Industries Plc Welding Dire Dawa
Northwest Welding And Gases Sodo+1 253-520-2114
Ocfa Metal Manu Facturing Addis Ababa
Pasqua Giuseppe Pvt Ltd Co Fabricator Addis Ababa
Pasqua Giuseppe Pvt Ltd Co Welding Adama
Plastech Ethiopia Fabrication Addis Ababa +251 11 645 8546
Pro Max Welding And Machinery Maintenance Workshop Burayu
Pro Max Welding And Machinery Maintenance Workshop Sebeta
Q&a Engineering Pty Ltd Fabrication Harar+263 77 511 0056
Railway Work Shop Dire Dawa
Raval Steel Manufacturing Plc Fabricator Addis Ababa 251 91 151 5145
Sami Ena Abatu Aluminium And Metal Industrial Plc Addis Ababa +251 91 145 5585
Sami Ena Abatu Aluminium And Plc Addis Ababa +251 91 145 5585
Sami Ena Abatu Aluminium Industrial Plc Addis Ababa +251 91 145 5585
Seattle Metal Products Welding Sodo+1 206-763-0980
Seattle Metal Products Welding Sodo+1 206-763-0980
Selam Galvanized Corrugated Sheet Metal Fabricator Addis Ababa +251 34 441 0526
Selam Galvanized Corrugated Sheet Metal Fabricator Mekelle +251 34 441 0526
Service Welding & Machine Co Sodo+1 206-325-1153
Shiv Shakti Welding Works Gonder +91 80538 48278
Slayden Welding Shop Dessie+1 662-551-4333
Sonorous Metal Fabricators & Welders Harar+263 77 144 6111
South East Custom Welding Dessie+61 433 753 011
Star Bar Engineering Welding Harar+263 77 267 5815
Sunny Steel Pipe Manufacturing Plc Fabricator Addis Ababa
Swandick Welding Harar+263 77 225 6665
Synergy Aluminium Technics Plc Workshop Addis Ababa +251 11 662 0524
Temba Metal Works And Engineering Plc Addis Ababa +251 91 123 7900
Tera Engineering Welding Addis Ababa +251 96 436 3636
Tig Welding Pvt Ltd Harar+263 71 260 0490
Togle Metal Welding Engineering Plc Addis Ababa +251 93 547 0236
Togle Metal Work Engineering Plc Addis Ababa +251 93 547 0236
Togle Metal Work Engineering Plc Burayu +251 93 547 0236
Togle Metal Work Engineering Plc Dimtu +251 93 547 0236
Tsega Engineering Metal And Aluminium Works Addis Ababa +251 91 338 8099
Tsegaye Metal Work Metu
Ture Dire Dawa Cement Factory Sc Fabricator Dire Dawa
Ture Diredawa Cement Factory Sher Company Welding Dire Dawa +251 93 031 3502
Unique Manu Facturing Plc Mekelle 251 91 476 1171
Us?ugi Spawalnicze Adam Kawalec Ad Spaw Welding Adama +48 881 398 997
Vonall Com PLC Germenu Fabricator Addis Ababa +251 11 551 1659
Walia Steel Industry Fabricator Addis Ababa +251 91 154 7457
Walia Steel Industry Fabricator Dire Dawa +251 91 154 7457
Welders & Pipe Fabricating Engineers Harar+263 77 233 4727
West Seattle Welding Sodo+1 206-714-2840
Win Win Metal Engineering Plc Welding Addis Ababa +251 91 118 1154
Work And Engineering Plc Addis Ababa +251 91 117 1794
Ye 21 Aluminium Works Addis Ababa +251 91 193 2167
Yilkale Biruktawit And Friends Metal Works Pshi Burayu +251 91 389 3269
Yirgalem And Ehiet Wood And Metal Workship Negele 251 91 381 2011